Wednesday, November 2, 2016

November Special

I'm so excited to announce that in the month of November ALL new coaching clients are eligible to receive 50% off the platinum package when paid in full. Please go directly to my booking section to schedule your first appointment, which is FREE! Go to

Monday, September 19, 2016

Its OK to Want to be Wealthy

I Feel there's this really weird thing out there in society that its conceded or a sin to want to be wealthy in life. Its almost like people are scared to even bring up money, let alone any dreams that have to deal with money in excess.

I talk to thousands of people. Excited people who just start up a new work from home business. I talk to them daily. And most of the time I ask them all 1 question, and every single time its usually always the same type of answer. Honestly i'm not even sure why i keep asking anymore when i know the answer. I guess I ask simply so i can reply to try to open their minds just a little bit.
The question is, "So why did you decide to promote this business?"
The reply is always, "Well because I just want to tell people about this amazing product & help them."

Now here's the thing, you can certainly tell people about this amazing product & you can certainly help them without making money from it. Shoot we do it all the time for other things, everytime i share something on facebook, tell a friend about a great movie, give a referral, etc. But for whatever reason people just don't want to say.... Because I want to make MONEY!

Seriously, say it with me. I WANT TO MAKE MONEY! I want to make LOTS of money. Its OK!!!! Wealth isn't some plague that's going to make you become repulsive to your loved ones. Money is NOT evil, as people love to mis-quote scripture. The LOVE of money is the root of all evil. It can turn into an idol very fast. So can the LOVE of food. So can the LOVE of attention. People put money up on some pedistool but ignore the idols they already have, which are equal to chasing money & loving it.

So listen, Keep God #1, chase GOD, have a relationship with JESUS. And as long as your priorities don't get out of whack, you're a-ok! You can have money, you can have LOADS of money. God actually wants to spoil you. Don't you want your children't to have things? Not have to worry? Experience amazing things? God wants all that for you too. And to do that, its takes MONEY! Also to reach people & impact Gods kingdom, to house them, travel to them, feed them, etc. takes....MONEY! So lets get rid of this negative feeling we have towards money.Lets be honest. We can want to help people, love people, etc. But the fact of the matter is, with limited resources, we're limited in our reach.

You can live a very prosperous life, you can live abundantly, you can enjoy a big life, actually God again says that's what He wants FOR US! I promise you, its not going to be handed to you or fall from the sky. Work hard, and stop beating yourself up over how you yearn for the wealthy person lifestyle. Visualize it, believe its yours, ask God for His favor & keep your priorities in order....and you'll start achieving things!

Monday, August 29, 2016

About April Y. Haldy

Before anything else I am a child of God, a Wife to the most amazing husband & mother to these beauties. God has blessed me with this family & I am humbled by that. My family is my world, everything I do, I do for them. To show them what is possible, to lead by example, and to be a supporter for my husband in his endeavors.

I was born and raise in Portland Oregon, that state that sees 300 days of rain. Its fairly wet, cloudy, and a tad depressing. However its one of the most lush, green beautiful states I've seen. Massive waterfalls, snow-capped mountains, rivers galore, and of course the mighty Pacific Ocean. I didn't live the perfect childhood, my childhood memories are not very happy actually. My teenage years my life only spiraled downhill fast. I was constantly told I'd amount to nothing, what a disappointment I was, and was finding myself in trouble more frequently than i'd like to admit. My parents did the best they could, and I firmly believe I wouldn't be where I am today, or who I am without them. I met my lifesaver, my now husband, when I was 15, we married as soon as I turned 18. Like most marriages, ours had many rough patches, we both have done the unforgivable, yet always forgave. Our commitment to each other runs deep, commitment in the Haldy house stands strong!
In 2014 my husband & myself felt God tell us to pack up & move south. In a nutshell, we sold 80% of all we owned, packed up what we could in a u-haul & headed to Dallas TX. We now live just south of Dallas, far enough away from the hustle & bustle but close enough to the airport to go anywhere in the world we want.

We're very obedient to what the Lord tells us to do, trembling knees, tears rolling down our faces, faith tested to its limited, obedient. God has never failed us. I've come to realize God's shoes He has planned for us, are far greater than anything we could ever imagine. I've come to realize that we block ourselves from achieving the greatness that was destined for us. I see an individual and see ability, love, passion, and typically fear. I know fear, I know it well. I've faced fear many times in my life but in 2012 decided it wouldn't have a hold on me anymore. I've broken those chains, and now live my life on a mission to coach others through the same process, to speak life into peoples God given dreams, and to show them that if I can do it, so can they!

In 2015 I decided to take my passion for personal development a step further. I joined the John Maxwell Team & became a certified Coach & Speaker. John Maxwell has philosophies I can stand behind, teachings that make sense to me, and a heart of gold. I have been coaching people since then on overcoming obstacles, learning new perspectives & more efficient ways of doing things. I also facilitate mastermind groups to dive into Dr. Maxwells books on a deeper level with other people. Its always fascinating to me hearing different points of views every week. I absolutely love being apart of people's journey of gaining that confidence & belief in their life. My husband always tells me how full of joy I am after I get off calls with people, either coaching or masterminds. Truly it brings me so much fulfillment & joy just know in a small way I helped someone.

My goal in life if to help people see themselves how God sees them. Confident, beautiful, able, and passionate. I plan on leaving my mark on this earth while i'm passing through, by leaving it into others. As many as I can, as often as I can, however I can. My prayer for you reading this, is that your heart is softened to allowing God to speak to you & your mind is open to consider that you do have a great purpose. And that its no accident you're reading this, its time to unleash your inner lion!

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Being Wronged

It is a hard place to be. When someone wrongs you, betrays you, slanders you, hurts you, back stabs you, the list goes on & on, it flat out hurts. Its hurts even more when that person is in a looked up to position, a friend, or a family member, and when someone admitingly wrongs you & simply tells you, they'd do it again & do the same behavior to others as well. OUCH!

Naturally this can cause some frustration to rise up at minimum. However Proverbs 12:16 states "A fool is quick-tempered, but a wise person stays calm when insulted." I believe in Gods word 110% even the things that sting & are hard to walk out. So if someone wrongs you, if you'd like to be the wise person, stay calm. I promise the fool will be known very quickly by their quick temper which is typically accompanied by arrogance.

2 wrongs never make a right. This has been very challenging for me to learn. However from someone who always sought for revenge, or getting even i can tell you it always left me feeling worse. Having an experience recently where I was calm, followed Gods word & didn't seek revenge or getting even; I can attest to you that it feels SO MUCH BETTER! Our natural instinct is to get back at people & make them hurt like they hurt us, our natural instinct is SIN! But what good is spreading hurt? Be apart of the solution, not problem.

Lets work hard together & choose to bite our tongues, forgive quickly, not try to get even with everyone. Life will be so much happier & more fulfilled, trust me, if i can do can you <3

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Staying Focused

So this picture has been floating around facebook. I'm not here to bash anyone, I mean we all make mistakes, and we all have fallen trapt to looking over for a moment to someone elses journey.

Keeping focus is hard work. It takes a special person to hold that focus the entire course of the journey. Perhaps this man needed to look over to see how far behind He was to push even harder, have you ever done that? I know I have, i'm very competitive. As are these guys or they wouldn't be at the Olympics. Or maybe its nearing the end & its that moment you realize you won't be finishing in 1st place. But what's wrong with 2nd anyways? Sure we all want 1st, but there can only be one #1 and if that's not you, then be #2.

My whole point is these guys are fierce no matter what. And have worked hard to get to where they are. They've been committed, and drilled their bodies to a state most won't. Kudos to them.

But what about you? You reading this. Maybe you aren't an Olympian, but i'm sure you have goals. Can you stay focused & committed long enough to even compete like these guys? Are you giving it your ALL for the #1, but are still proud if you end up #2? Practice moments throughout your day on how to stay focused. Give yourself 2 hours a day that you divide up into 30 minute intervals, where all you do is focus on one & only one thing. You can do it, it just takes discipline & a strong enough goal.


Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Living a Negative life

So many people go through life not even understanding how powerful their thoughts are. 1 tiny negative thought will snowball into a negative day, week, year & life! Might seem a bit dramatic, but the reality is, its true.

Your past situations, circumstances, choices, and environment have left little foot steps on your subconscious brain, causing thoughts & patterns in your life you don't even realize. Most people don't even take into consideration their subconscious brain & just live in their conscious mindset, when the reality is...your subconscious is triggering your conscious.

When's the last time you.... paused after a thought & asked yourself WHY you thought that? You took a time out in the middle of the day & listened to affirmations quietly? Went to bed at night and while you slept had affirmations or meditation going? Your mind needs fed just like your body, how you feed it will determine your life you live. Yet most are living so fast paced they don't pause, slow down, and take intentional steps on how they think.

Too many people watch & listen to garbage that creates mindless thoughts & activities, then people wonder why they live a mediocre life, are unhappy, overweight, and miserable. Want to live a different life? I have the trick, start feeding your brain intentionally with positive, uplifting, motivating things. It'll change your entire life. You must stay consistent with it tho. Just like eating veggies once in a while doesn't give your body the nutrition it needs or change how it looks, eat it daily for a long period of time & you might start noticing a difference. Same with your mind.

I was a negative person long ago. My life was also negative. And my circle of friends got it, negative. Really every aspect of my life was negative, then i read a book that changed my life. Excuse me, i STUDIED a book that changed my life. Big difference in reading and studying. Studying is when you pause, reflect & apply. Anyways, ready for this life changing book? You can get it for like $10 on Amazon, Actually here i'll give you a link HERE Start making a change in your life today, it all starts with a small step & this book is perfect for that.

Its time to create a positive, happy, fulfilled life. You deserve that, you were created for that, lets break the negative chains & start living a positive life from here on out!

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Roar of Freedom

Why do you allow the opinions & thoughts of others hold you back?
Do those people pay your bills? Do those people care about your future? Will they even be apart of your future? Are they financially investing into your future?Do those people care about your families legacy that you leave behind?

So you're approaching a friend about your new product that you're out there promoting. Your friend is snotty, mean, and clearly not supportive. Ask yourself, is that really how a friend would react? Why do you like this person so much? What value are they adding to YOUR life? I can almost garuntee that someone who replies back with a negative response, isn't someone who adds value to you & your life, but instead takes it from you. OUCH!!!! Is that REALLY someone you want around when you do finally succeed? Is that the kind of influence you want your children to be around?

Freedom awaits you, when you finally grow a backbone & walk away from those dream killers! Those people ready to bash you the moment you walk away, another word we call them is toxic people. Here's something I've learned over my years of creating success. When you reach a point of what others consider successful...They're going to talk anyways, know matter what you do they'll talk. The sooner you learn to block them out, smile back, hold your head high & let your success talk for you,the happier & more free you'll feel.

CHEERS to those who are on that journey of growing that backbone. Of understanding that when we choose to take the road to success & freedom, people will either join us, watch us, or be left behind. You can't force those watching to join, and you certainly can't make those being left behind come along for a ride they want nothing to do with. And be OK with that.

The road to becoming a better version of you, leaving a legacy behind that's honorable & worth repeating is rough. But the reward is far greater than you can ever imagine. Hang in there!!

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Sister Visit

So my big sister & 2 nieces just visited us here in Texas from Oregon. It was so much fun, I really enjoy hanging out with them, especially since it had been over 3 years since the last time we saw eachother.

Praise God for restoration. I know God can heal relationships, grow people, and bring them back together. Thats me & my sister for you. Its one of those on again off again relationships. However this visit was different. I feel we're in a new place in life. You know that place where finally you learn that each person can have their own perspective, that having different views isn't always a bad thing & that it shouldn't effect your relationships.

Amazing things can happen when you realize that everyone views things differently. There is so many gray areas in life (YES there's many black & white areas too!) and that if you had 3 people walk down the beach, together they'd all experience the beach differently. One might smell corn dogs & salt water, while the other feels the sand in their toes & the other notices the colors of the Ocean & sunset. You see, they all walked the beach, together even, but their primary sensory was different, thus causing different perspective. That's not even factoring in their background history.

You see we can & will have different views on many things. Myself & my sister agree on a lot (even more now as we get older) but disagree on a lot as well. And that's ok, with the understanding that we can both be right, happy, & move on. Imagine if this world would take a moment to consider OTHER peoples perspectives before their own? Imagine if people didn't jump to conclusions so quickly, or make so many emotionally based decisions. Imagine how different it would be living here.

My challenge to you is to be strong enough to accept other peoples perspectives,be even stronger to consider their perspective & be super strong by admitting your wrongs.

I love my sister & i learn a lot from her. I wouldn't be able to tho if she was afraid to challenge me & my perspective :)

Tuesday, February 23, 2016


SO this subject is one I get passionate about. Too many people are going on through life feeling like a failure, living in failure, allowing failure to hold them back, crush their spirit, and paralyze them from actually LIVING life. So when I speak on failure I tend to get a little heated.

I've always felt like a failure. I've always thought I was never good enough, strong enough, fast enough, smart enough, etc. I put these expectations on myself as well as my parents on who I thought I was. Instead of who God intended me to be. I'd try to do things that pleased others instead of really figuring out who I was. In the end, I was a drug addicted, who dropped out of high school, involved in terrible things that ultimately just made me feel worse & worse. If i felt i was a failure & everyone around me felt that, why not just BE that? Possibly you're feeling like you've failed somewhere in life, or maybe even right now you're in that spot.

Here's what i've not only learned, but embraced. Failure is NOT a person! Its not even a real thing. Its a made up facade that is typically said by others to beat someone down. Let me explain. When you attempt something brand new, do you get it done correctly the first try? Typically NO! Look at babies, they must learn to walk, that process takes time, they must fall over & over & over again before they finally start walking. Learning to play basketball, you must miss a heck of a lot of shots before making 1. Even those in baseball who get paid MILLIONS of dollars miss 7 out of 3 times, and before they got to THAT point they missed a heck of a lot more.

Failing is not real. Please understand this....

Failure is learning. Remove the word from your vocabulary. You can't fail, you can only learn. I went through life not realizing I was learning who I was, learning what I liked & didn't like. Learning to not allow others to speak into my life who weren't there to lift me higher. I might be young, but because i've made the choice that everyday is a learning opportunity, every time i miss the shot I have a lesson to learn & I learn from it, I've become successful & a sought after leader & mentor. Just because i'm not where I think I should be simply means I have more to learn before I can get there. Take that to heart. What do you need to learn now to get to where you want?

You're not a failure, you're a student. We all are. Find your teacher!

Sunday, February 21, 2016

John Maxwell Team

So in October I was feeling my network marketing organization had reached its peak. That my leadership was at its point that we just weren't growing any more. I wasn't feeling challenged, my brain was getting bored, and I knew deep down inside that I needed to create another stream of income. I prayed, talked with my husband, prayed, talked with my close friends. I had narrowed it down to 2 different thoughts. One was less expensive & would take much longer to see a turn around on. But was also a tad less intimidating & also less pressure. While the other was intense, frightening, and VERY expensive. I did however see the bigger picture & larger benefits to it.

I jumped into the John Maxwell Team. Started at the John Maxwell University & have been challenging myself, my thinking, and my perspectives since. I've always said success is in the uncomfortable, so why wouldn't I follow my own advice? I've held several virtual mastermind groups & was able to go through a small part of some people's journey with them in self discovery. Absolutely AMAZING feeling. I also took on several coaching clients & helped them with personal development as well as business development. Watching their success snowball rapidly was & is a phenomenal feeling. I can't even explain the joy I feel watching people gain confidence, feel empowered, and believe they're unstoppable.

March 12th I leave to Orlando to get my official John Maxwell Certification. Go through some intense trainings, meet John Maxwell himself & attend his birthday party. And of course just be around 1700 other like minded individuals all hungry to add value to other people. I'm nervous, I have self doubt, this is very challenging for me, tons of pressure, and way out side of my comfort zone.....sounds like a recipe for success to me!

I can't wait to break into the motivational speaking, I love being able to fire people up to get out there, change lives, impact people, and really see how special they are. I am equally excited for my new coaching clients who are ready to take their self development & business development to a new level. And once back from Orlando I'll be starting up some more mastermind groups to brainstorm together, grow together & conquer together.

I committed to bettering myself, becoming a better leader & raising my own leader lid, in turn my network marketing organization is on track for a record breaking month, we're getting back on the right path, and I'm full of passion & purpose again!  Until next time......

Friday, February 19, 2016


So recently our personal trainer suggested we try this UBER car service thing. I've just recently heard of it within the past couple months. It seemed a bit awkward, but after evaluating it, its really no different than a Taxi. I mean both are random strangers, in their car, with their driving. Both go through back ground checks  are tracked by the company.

We jumped in & did it. On our way to the airport our driver was Kelly. She was amazing. We were her 2nd customers ever, and she was our first so it was great. She was warm friendly & i gave her 5 stars (love that you can rate them, careful they can rate you too) I actually told her how much i wanted her on my network marketing team, then as we hustled through the airport & got on the plane it simmered inside. I couldn't get over this novel idea. I asked Dameron (my husband) what his thoughts were on this. He admitted it wasn't as bad as we had thought. He was already looking for a 2nd stream of income besides his network marketing business. AND his Mercedes that our company pays for it branded. All i could think about was the networking opportunity.

While in Vegas He started the process of becoming an UBER DRIVER. He hasn't done a drive yet. But right now he is at an Uber Pizza Party in Dallas HAHA As i researched this company more, my eyes were opened in a couple of ways. It was founded in 2009, yet i'm JUST hearing about it. Its a BILLION dollar company, yet i'm JUST hearing about it. I reflected back to my "main bread & butter" my network marketing company which is still a baby, and get really excited as we're only 3 & our annual goal this year is 1/2 a billion! SO much growth to come. And my rockin husband will get to drive his very branded car to drive people around, make money & network all in 1. Looks like a win win to me.

So in my book thus far UBER is a thumbs up. I will be sure to post an update later on after he's got some drives under his belt. I'm sure it'll give him some good stories. Remember when opportunities present themselves to you, JUMP! Honestly 9 out of 10 times opportunities are a divine appointment for you, don't overthink things or you'll miss the boat.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Just Me

Well i've decided to create a blog. I recently shut my facebook account down, its been 10 days. WOW what a 10 days HAHA have you ever shut your facebook down before? Its like all the sudden, what do i do now? What a reality check. I quickly realized I wasted far too much time on facebook. I have much to say, but is facebook really the place to say it?
I've certainly learned much about myself. I've learned that not everything i think needs to be said, especially on a public forum. I've also noticed my creative marketing abilities have surfaced again. I also have found who really wants to be in contact with me and who doesn't. After so many attempts in telling people my number to text me, hardly anyone did. Why is that? Why has society become so socially anti-social? Seems like an oxi-moron to me. If you stop and look at society they all crave personal interaction. Not much farther til social media gets faded out. I can already see it.
Well until next time, thanks for reading :)