Friday, February 19, 2016


So recently our personal trainer suggested we try this UBER car service thing. I've just recently heard of it within the past couple months. It seemed a bit awkward, but after evaluating it, its really no different than a Taxi. I mean both are random strangers, in their car, with their driving. Both go through back ground checks  are tracked by the company.

We jumped in & did it. On our way to the airport our driver was Kelly. She was amazing. We were her 2nd customers ever, and she was our first so it was great. She was warm friendly & i gave her 5 stars (love that you can rate them, careful they can rate you too) I actually told her how much i wanted her on my network marketing team, then as we hustled through the airport & got on the plane it simmered inside. I couldn't get over this novel idea. I asked Dameron (my husband) what his thoughts were on this. He admitted it wasn't as bad as we had thought. He was already looking for a 2nd stream of income besides his network marketing business. AND his Mercedes that our company pays for it branded. All i could think about was the networking opportunity.

While in Vegas He started the process of becoming an UBER DRIVER. He hasn't done a drive yet. But right now he is at an Uber Pizza Party in Dallas HAHA As i researched this company more, my eyes were opened in a couple of ways. It was founded in 2009, yet i'm JUST hearing about it. Its a BILLION dollar company, yet i'm JUST hearing about it. I reflected back to my "main bread & butter" my network marketing company which is still a baby, and get really excited as we're only 3 & our annual goal this year is 1/2 a billion! SO much growth to come. And my rockin husband will get to drive his very branded car to drive people around, make money & network all in 1. Looks like a win win to me.

So in my book thus far UBER is a thumbs up. I will be sure to post an update later on after he's got some drives under his belt. I'm sure it'll give him some good stories. Remember when opportunities present themselves to you, JUMP! Honestly 9 out of 10 times opportunities are a divine appointment for you, don't overthink things or you'll miss the boat.

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