SO this subject is one I get passionate about. Too many people are going on through life feeling like a failure, living in failure, allowing failure to hold them back, crush their spirit, and paralyze them from actually LIVING life. So when I speak on failure I tend to get a little heated.
I've always felt like a failure. I've always thought I was never good enough, strong enough, fast enough, smart enough, etc. I put these expectations on myself as well as my parents on who I thought I was. Instead of who God intended me to be. I'd try to do things that pleased others instead of really figuring out who I was. In the end, I was a drug addicted, who dropped out of high school, involved in terrible things that ultimately just made me feel worse & worse. If i felt i was a failure & everyone around me felt that, why not just BE that? Possibly you're feeling like you've failed somewhere in life, or maybe even right now you're in that spot.
Here's what i've not only learned, but embraced. Failure is NOT a person! Its not even a real thing. Its a made up facade that is typically said by others to beat someone down. Let me explain. When you attempt something brand new, do you get it done correctly the first try? Typically NO! Look at babies, they must learn to walk, that process takes time, they must fall over & over & over again before they finally start walking. Learning to play basketball, you must miss a heck of a lot of shots before making 1. Even those in baseball who get paid MILLIONS of dollars miss 7 out of 3 times, and before they got to THAT point they missed a heck of a lot more.
Failing is not real. Please understand this....
Failure is learning. Remove the word from your vocabulary. You can't fail, you can only learn. I went through life not realizing I was learning who I was, learning what I liked & didn't like. Learning to not allow others to speak into my life who weren't there to lift me higher. I might be young, but because i've made the choice that everyday is a learning opportunity, every time i miss the shot I have a lesson to learn & I learn from it, I've become successful & a sought after leader & mentor. Just because i'm not where I think I should be simply means I have more to learn before I can get there. Take that to heart. What do you need to learn now to get to where you want?
You're not a failure, you're a student. We all are. Find your teacher!
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